"Family Heirloom" –​​​​​​​ Short film
In this film, a family heirloom vase acts as a silent observer to three generations of family trauma. Production design for this project posed the challenge of depicting three decades of domestic life so authentically that the viewer can be fully immersed in the story. This entailed intensive research, countless antiquing trips, and building connections with various antique experts in the Denver area.
"15" –​​​​​​​ SHORT FILM
This film follows the story of a 15 year old girl who is seeking an abortion in a state where abortion  is illegal. I was tasked with creating several rooms of a family home, a doctor's office, and the entryway to a rundown garage. I sought out props, costumes, and set dressing to ensure the set felt true to.  that of a typical suburban family.
"Credit Climb" –​​​​​​​ online Course
The Credit Climb project is a series of educational videos teaching people how to fix their credit score. Each video begins with a narrative scene that serves as an allegory for the content of the video. One of my roles on this project was the Production Designer. I built sets, shopped for and made props and found costumes for all of the actors.
Credit Climb Ep. 1: Zombie Chase
Credit Climb Ep. 2: Fishing Pond
Credit Climb Ep. 3: Interrogation
Credit Climb Ep. 4: Coffee Shop
Credit Climb Ep. 5: Fancy Restaurant 
Credit Climb Ep. 6: Puppet Show
Credit Climb Intro Video: Hospital
"LOVERS" –​​​​​​​ Feature film
For this feature, I was an Art Coordinator / Set Dresser rather than a Production Designer. I dressed these sets under the direction of a Production Designer and worked closely with her to ensure set dressing materials were present at their respective locations throughout the entire filming process.
Parents' House
Bar Bathroom
"About That Time" by KidzBop –​​​​​​​ Music Video 
For this project, I was a Set Dresser. On prep days, I built set dressing and props alongside an Art Director and sourced items to fulfill needs as they arose. With props, we prioritized structural integrity to ensure they could safely be danced with without breaking. On the day of the shoot, I dressed sets under the direction of a Production Designer. I worked to make sure items were placed in such a way that they served the shot while remaining out of the way of the dancers. 
Rooftop Party 
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